Saturday, May 15, 2010

Photography and Blindness. A talk to a youth group.

This week I was invited to talk to a youth group here in melbourne about my photography, my blindness and haveing Eamon my guide dog.

After a slow start the evening was a total success, with activities for the kids to do. After speaking about my photography and showing them my works, the kids got there digital cameras and were asked to take photos of each other and then a flower, while wareing special glasses that simulate my vision. I was amazed on how they all under took the workshop with care and thought. At the end of the excersise, the kids had a greater understanding of my vision and the beauty of my photography.

This was filmed for my documentary which could be used as a tool in the future. After reflecting on the evening, it has given me an idea to develop a program to go into schools to do this workshop activitie.. This would give the young people a fresh look on photography and the arts if they wish to do this with there studies.

I am very proud to share my passion in photography and in a sence, I am paying it forward to those who care and enjoy the world of photography, through a prospective of a vision impaired photographer.

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